From: Bell, Linda Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 12:19 PM To: Escobar, Adriana; ‘Alvin R. Kacin’; Henderson, Bill; ‘Bridget Robb’;...
02.052019May 2, 2019

Communication email from the Chief Clark County District Court Judge to all District Court and Senior Judges regarding Ex-parte communication. A must read.
By Steve SansonIn Home - Featured, Press ReleaseTags 2015 12:19 PMTo: Escobar, Adriana; 'Alvin R. Kacin'; Henderson, Arthur; 'Thomas Stockard'; 'Thomas W. Gregory'; Williams, Bell, Betsy; 'Elliott Sattler'; Johnson, Bill; 'Bridget Robb'; Duckworth, Bryce; Ellsworth, Carolyn; Hoskin, Charles; Moss, Cheryl; Weller, Chuck; Judge Steinheimer; Steel, Communication email from the Chief Clark County District Court Judges to all District Court and senior Judges regarding Ex-parte communication. A must read., Cynthia; 'Cynthia Lu'; Barker, David; David Hardy; 'Judge David Humke'; Gentile, Denise; Herndon, Dianne; Giuliani, Douglas; 'Egan Walker'; Cadish, Douglas; Smith, Elissa; Gonzalez, Eric; Doherty, Francis; Sullivan, Frank; 'Judge Gary Fairman'; Sturman, Gloria; 'James Todd Russell'; ''; Elliott, Jennifer; ''; Wiese, Jennifer; Togliatti, Jerry; Walsh, Jessie; 'Jim Shirley'; Crockett, Jim; 'Jim Wilson'; Kishner, Joanna; Hardy, Joe; 'John Schlegelmilch'; Delaney, July 27, Kathleen; Cory, Kenneth; Earley, Kerry; 'Kimberly Wanker'; 'Leon A. Aberasturi'; 'Lidia S. Stiglich'; Brown, Linda Sent: Monday, Lisa; 'Lynne Simons'; Denton, Mark; Harter, Mathew; 'Michael Montero'; Villani, Michael; Leavitt, Michelle; Allf, Nancy; 'Nancy Porter'; 'Nathan T. Young'; ''; Burton, Rebecca; Hughes, Rena; Scotti, Richard; Bare, Rob; 'Robert W. Lane'; Teuton, Robert; Israel, Ronald J; Pomrenze, Sandra; 'Scott N. Freeman'; Miley, Stefany; ''; Johnson, Susan; Ritchie Jr., Susan; Scann, Tim; Adair, Valerie; Ochoa, Vincent; Kephart, William Potter, William; Voy, WilliamSubject: NDJA Update: Standing Committe on Judicial Ethics