Immediate Release:
Steve Sanson President Veterans In Politics International
702 283 8088

Family Court Judge Endorsement rescinded!

Clark County, Nevada—(August 15, 2014) Vincent Ochoa Clark County District Court Judge Family Division Department S had the endorsement of the Clark County School District Police Officers Association rescinded!

Ochoa has to remove this endorsement from all of his campaign signs and materials!

The following information was discovered.
Mike Thomas, Vice President CCSDPOA (Clark County School District Police Officers Association) who confirmed the removal of our endorsement of Ochoa. Quote “We advised Poran that we were no longer endorsing Ochoa. They were supposed to handle and notify his campaign personnel.” Poran is our Union legal representatives out of California.

This is the same Judge that discriminates against gender in violation of Nevada Law; see article under Corrupt Judge:

For more information: