Every year we hear the same thing from candidates when we schedule our endorsement interviews. Here are some of the responses we have received with our response.


1) I am already scheduled for an event.

Our response:

We are the only veterans group that is not chartered by congress that means we are the only veterans group that endorses candidates. We place our interviews on social media to give you exposure to voters that you wouldn’t normally have. Our interview process is open to the public. Once we endorse you; we don’t abandoned you. Our YouTube videos go on many social media sites and they go viral.


2) I have been doing this other event for many years and it’s on the same day as your interview.

Our response:

Why would you want to keep going to the same event? Hello you already have their vote. If you don’t have their vote by now, it’s time to stop going.


3) I will be out of town.

Our response:

When you are a candidate you don’t ever leave town. Candidate 101; what’s more important you running for office or you making an event that has nothing to do with you running for office? If you don’t make the event, which would normally give you votes your opponent will. The only time you leave your voters is in an emergency. If you are going to leave don’t run for office! Municipal election window is very small.


4) I love my veterans, but I can’t make it.

Our response:

Let’s face it you love the veterans voting power. Some of you never helped veterans, unless you are helping yourself. We can’t stand “self-serving politicians”. The issue is some of you don’t want to be on camera because you are just not ready.


5) Could you change the date because of my religions beliefs?

Our response:

The men and women of this great nation has fought and died for your rights in defense of this country on every single day. What makes you more special than them?

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