Jason Mitchell II & Larissa Drohobyczer to appear on the Veterans In Politics video Talk-show

Call into the show (702) 685-8380


Veterans In Politics proudly announces Jason Mitchell II UNLV Department of Criminal Justice and Larissa Drohobyczer Nevada State Attorney on Landlord Tenants disputes, both will appear as a special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show Saturday October 14, 2017.



Listen to the Veterans In Politics

Talk-Show every Saturday from 14:00-15:00 (2:00pm-3:00pm PT) on World Wide Digital Broadcasting Corp.



The VIP Talk-Show is a trusted source of information. For more than a decade, Steve Sanson, Jim Jonas , co-hosts Brittany Nicole and Mantis Toboggan and guest co-host Christina Ortiz have informed the listeners about important local and national issues. Not only do they discuss major national issues, but they also bring public’s attention to multiple local issues affecting our community that other news sources choose to ignore. Past guests are politicians, candidates running for public office, organization leaders, published authors, business owners and citizens. VIP‘s involvement in local affairs has led to investigations of multiple government agencies and corrupt individuals. VIP received special recognition and multiple awards from government officials and non-profit organizations.


If you would like to be a guest on our show, please call or e-mail us.

Contact Us at 702 283 8088



Jason Mitchell II UNLV Department of Criminal Justice




Larissa Drohobyczer Nevada State Attorney on Landlord Tenants disputes



Our New co-host Brittany Nicole:

Brittany Nicole is an educator and passionate about teaching, justice, equality and politics. Brittany’s late grandfather a US Marine that witnessed the American Flag go up at Iwo Jima.


The 58 victims who died in Sunday’s massacre at the Route 91 Harvest Festival on the Las Vegas Strip. 36 women and 22 men died as a result of the shooting. The victims killed range in age from 20 to 67 years old. 

Victim / Date of Birth / Gender

  1. Ahlers, Hannah Lassette 6/2/1983 Female
  2. Alvarado, Heather Lorraine 9/20/1982 Female
  3. Anderson, Dorene 4/16/1968 Female
  4. Barnette, Carrie Rae 12/16/1982 Female
  5. Beaton, Jack Reginald 12/10/1962 Male
  6. Berger, Stephen Richard 9/30/1973 Male
  7. Bowers, Candice Ryan 8/10/1977 Female
  8. Burditus, Denise 6/5/1967 Female
  9. Casey, Sandra 11/1/1982 Female
  10. Castilla, Andrea Lee Anna 9/29/1989 Female
  11. Cohen, Denise 8/2/1959 Female
  12. Davis, Austin William 6/20/1988 Male
  13. Day Jr., Thomas 10/29/1972 Male
  14. Duarte, Christiana 8/7/1995 Female
  15. Etcheber, Stacee Ann 2/26/1967 Female
  16. Fraser, Brian S. 8/20/1978 Male
  17. Galvan, Keri 8/20/1986 Female
  18. Gardner, Dana Leann 7/6/1965 Female
  19. Gomez, Angela C. 12/26/1996 Female
  20. Guillen, Rocio 12/20/1976 Female
  21. Hartfield, Charleston 5/16/1983 Male
  22. Hazencomb, Christopher 9/27/1973 Male
  23. Irvine, Jennifer Topaz 6/6/1975 Female
  24. Kimura, Teresa Nicol 3/24/1979 Female
  25. Klymchuk, Jessica 5/1/1983 Female
  26. Kreibaum, Carly Anne 12/9/1983 Female
  27. LeRocque, Rhonda M. 8/29/1975 Female
  28. Link, Victor L. 9/7/1962 Male
  29. Mclldoon, Jordan 10/6/1993 Male
  30. Meadows, Kelsey Breanne 6/26/1989 Female
  31. Medig, Calla-Marie 8/8/1989 Female
  32. Melton, James 8/2/1988 Male
  33. Mestas, Patricia 7/25/1950 Female
  34. Meyer, Austin Cooper 9/18/1993 Male
  35. Murfitt, Adrian Allan 7/5/1982 Male
  36. Parker, Rachael Kathleen 12/16/1983 Female
  37. Parks, Jennifer 1/18/1981 Female
  38. Parsons, Carolyn Lee 12/28/1985 Female
  39. Patterson, Lisa Marie 6/26/1971 Female
  40. Phippen, John Joseph 10/25/1960 Male
  41. Ramirez, Melissa V. 11/29/1990 Female
  42. Rivera, Jordyn N. 7/22/1996 Female
  43. Robbins, Quinton 3/21/1997 Male
  44. Robinson, Cameron 1/1/1989 Male
  45. Roe, Tara Ann 9/1/1983 Female
  46. Romero-Muniz, Lisa 5/19/1969 Female
  47. Roybal, Christopher Louis 10/9/1988 Male
  48. Schwanbeck, Brett 1/31/1956 Male
  49. Schwitzer, Bailey 4/5/1997 Female
  50. Shipp, Laura Anne 5/9/1967 Female
  51. Silva, Erick 8/19/1996 Male
  52. Smith, Susan 8/24/1964 Female
  53. Stewart, Brennan Lee 2/19/1987 Male
  54. Taylor, Derrick Dean 9/25/1961 Male
  55. Tonks, Neysa C. 7/27/1971 Female
  56. Vo, Michelle 1/10/1985 Female
  57. Von Tillow, Kurt Allen 12/4/1961 Male
  58. Wolfe Jr., William W. 10/15/1974 Male


At Stoney’s Country Bar for the Solidarity Concert to celebrate the survivors of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting. I am honored to stand with Christina GRUBER who was shot on that horrible night.
Steve Sanson president of Veterans In Politics International Inc. (TM)



Litigants Corner


Aimee Jones Family Court Corruption Interview with Steve Sanson




Compliments of Samira Knight:


Our city has faced a tragic moment in American history.  The mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip has put a damper on the way we move forward in life. We are terrified that this cowardly act has merged its head. We would like to recognize the act of heroism amongst many Americans that were involved.  We pray for all that lost their lives and the many that have been harmed both physically and mentally.


Because of this we will postpone our Family Court Town Hall Educational Forum, until further notice. This forum was to educate litigants on the legal procedures in an effort to give them a better understanding of how the system works.


Our nation has many unresolved battles. We will continue to be a driving force no matter the obstacles that are placed before us, in an effort to help with the betterment of mankind.


Steve Sanson

President of Veterans In Politics International. Inc. ™

702 283 8088







Opinion Corner


Jobs for Veterans in the Los Angeles Area:


We are looking to hire veterans to work with us on our construction sites in Los Angeles.


From laborers to framers to plumbers and supervisors.  We would appreciate if you would call your L.A. contacts and have them contact us.  It is important to us to see that our veterans have jobs and job training.


Please contact:


Jeff Pink




8840 Wilshire Blvd. #110 Beverly Hills, CA 90211

310.275.5656 Office

818.917.6328 Cell

310.492.9799 Fax




Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International

Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International

Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International

War Declared On the Clark County Family Court System


He Defended Us, Let’s defend Him!




Listen & Watch the Interview of Last Week’s Show:



LIVE every Saturday from 2-3PM Pacific Time


*If you would like to be a guest on our show please contact: email veteransinpol@aol.com or if you would like to place a commercial on anyone of our shows please dial 702 283 8088.


*If you would like to visit any of our archived interviews go to our YouTube Channel.

Click here for our YouTube Channel or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1vBzrcEJOui3Cp5Bz-fT6Q  and Click here for archived shows on Word Wide Digital Broadcasting Corp


*If you would like to see who is coming on our show next go to our radio webpage.



Veterans In Politics proudly announces Sarah Gazala candidate for US Senate 2018. Phillip Paleracio will discuss the corruption within the Nevada State Bar; Special Guest Lee Hawkins & Sarah Hawkins

looking for his missing 14 year old granddaughter/daughter all will appear as a special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show Saturday September 30, 2017.


Sanson rants about NFL Players taking a knee during the National Anthem



Please contribute to Veterans In Politics in an effort in helping us to continue our mission by Exposing Corruption, Champion Veterans Rights, and Educating the public on candidates running for elected office: go to www.veteransinpolitics.org and click onto our PayPal Page or at our PO Box 28211/ Las Vegas, NV. 89126…


 Distributed By:

Veterans In Politics International, Inc.

Post Office Box 28211

Las Vegas, NV 89126


702 283 8088
