Tarkanian & Knight Law Firm Shut Down!

Tarkanian & Knight Law Firm Shut Down!


Clark County Nevada


Recently we found out that the law firm of Danny Tarkanian and Samira Knight is now official closed.


Video below shows the TK Law firm in shambles



According to the Nevada Secretary of State this law firm was established in 2013 and listed both Samira C. Knight and Daniel Tarkanian as Managing Members (see http://nvsos.gov/sosentitysearch/CorpDetails.aspx?lx8nvq=r9YGIMIBKR%252bapGERXSsZCg%253d%253d&nt7=0)

Danny Tarkanian is a candidate for United States Senate and Samira Knight is a 4 year practicing attorney with a history of visits in an out of the hospital. Because of her aliment Ms. Knight has a rare disorder, which have caused her to pass out in the court room several times. The health issues of Samira Knight are now preventing her from operating the law firm.

Ms. Knight had reached out to her partner for help but instead received an eviction notice. The Tarkanian & Knight Law Firm is located in the same building owed by Danny Tarkanian located at 7220 South Cimarron Road (see http://www.clarkcountynv.gov/assessor/Pages/SearchByLocationAddress.aspx). Rent paid to TPC-4, LLC (see http://nvsos.gov/sosentitysearch/CorpDetails.aspx?lx8nvq=8uMrWPTnEJ7nluR9OP7BbA%253d%253d&nt7=0) Lease is with JAMD LLC (see http://nvsos.gov/sosentitysearch/CorpDetails.aspx?lx8nvq=%252f8GAP1GMEq%252b2gOSzOl1JFw%253d%253d&nt7=0) all owned by Tarkanian.

Samira Knight contacted the Nevada State Bar in an effort of helping her redistribute her clients to other attorneys to prevent any malpractice lawsuit.


Does Danny Tarkanian also have a legal duty to the clients of Tarkanian and Knight Law firm?