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Veterans In Politics proudly announces Colette Morales / Lisa Rose-Adams/ Ashley Riccio with Las Vegas Shorewood Real-Estate will discuss Community Heroes of Las Vegas Program and Victoria Seaman former Nevada State Assemblywoman, candidate for Las Vegas City Council Ward 2 Special Election and Veterans In Politics ENDORSED candidate for Las Vegas City Council, both will appear as special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show Saturday, April 13, 2019.
Listen to the Veterans In Politics
Talk-Show every Saturday from 14:00-15:00 (2:00pm-3:00pm PT) on World Wide Digital Broadcasting Corp.
The VIP Talk-Show is a trusted source of information. For more than a decade, Steve Sanson, Jim Jonas , co-hosts Lena Ocasio and Mantis Toboggan and guest co-host Christina Ortiz have informed the listeners about important local and national issues. Not only do they discuss major national issues, but they also bring public’s attention to multiple local issues affecting our community that other news sources choose to ignore. Past guests are politicians, candidates running for public office, organization leaders, published authors, business owners and citizens. VIP‘s involvement in local affairs has led to investigations of multiple government agencies and corrupt individuals. VIP received special recognition and multiple awards from government officials and non-profit organizations.
If you would like to be a guest on our show, please call or e-mail us.
Contact Us at 702 283 8088 |
Colette Morales / Lisa Rose-Adams with Las Vegas Shorewood Real-Estate will discuss Community Heroes of Las Vegas Program
Victoria Seaman former Nevada State Assemblywoman, candidate for Las Vegas City Council Ward 2 Special Election and Veterans In Politics ENDORSED candidate for Las Vegas City Council
Veterans IN Politics International Endorsements 2019
Litigants Corner
Not being EDUCATED on Judges is going to be a thing of the past! A known name, fancy supporters and financial donors will not dictate the will of the people in the 2020 election of Judges. 52 Clark County District Court Judges will be on the ballot for re-election and that may include 6 more additional seats in family court. We will continue to observe all judges and continue to download videos of cases. Courtrooms are PUBLIC forums, if you want to seal cases and closed hearings, then you need to privatize the courtrooms and not use tax dollars any longer. Our Court Observes change every time. We have several thousand followers and growing every day. Either you are going follow the constitution, state laws, your code of ethics, work a 40 hour work week or you will be voted OUT! We are tired of this judicial branch that has a total lack of transparency and over-site.
Opinion Corner
Listen & Watch the Interview of Last Week’s Show:
LIVE every Saturday from 2-3PM Pacific Time
*If you would like to be a guest on our show please contact: email or if you would like to place a commercial on anyone of our shows please dial 702 283 8088.
*If you would like to visit any of our archived interviews go to our YouTube Channel.
Click here for our YouTube Channel or and Click here for archived shows on Word Wide Digital Broadcasting Corp
*If you would like to see who is coming on our show next go to our radio webpage.
Veterans In Politics proudly announces Amy Service discussing the corruption within the Family Court System. Zachary Krueger candidate for Las Vegas Mayor/ENDORSED by Veterans In Politics, both will appear as special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show Saturday, March 30, 2019.
Please contribute to Veterans In Politics in an effort in helping us to continue our mission by Exposing Corruption, Champion Veterans Rights, and Educating the public on candidates running for elected office: go to and click onto our PayPal Page or at our PO Box 28211/ Las Vegas, NV. 89126…
Distributed By:
Veterans In Politics International, Inc.
Post Office Box 28211
Las Vegas, NV 89126
702 283 8088