Henderson Nevada
June 30, 2019
(VIPI) Veterans In Politics International, Inc. convinced a mother that suffered from Domestic Violence on three separate occasions that the only way to stop the cycle of abuse is to report it to the authorities. The victim stated that the reason she never reported the abuse to law enforcement was that the alleged abuser is Frederic Gonzalez a Fire Fighter that works at the test site. The victim has been fearful that Frederic Gonzalez has friends and the support from cohorts that will discredit her.
The victim alleged that there were three incidents that took place. The most recent incident took place in April 2019 was Mr. Gonzalez grabbed her by the throat pushed her against the wall, he took her car keys and cell phone keeping her captive and unable to call for help. The second incident took place December 2018 in which Mr. Gonzalez again grabbed her throat, wrestled her to the ground and placed her in a choke hold causing her to lose consciousness with visible marks to her neck. In addition, she lost her normal bodily functions, the abuser held her to the ground completely against her will. The victim also indicated that the couple’s 5-year-old son witnessed the entire event unfolded (a form of child abuse). The first incident took place in September 2018 when the abuser pushed her down causing her to hit the bottom of her eye resulting in a black eye, this also leads to a miscarriage. The miscarriage was documented by a doctor’s visit with the same timeline as the incident. The photos of the victim’s eye and neck were presented into evidence. Visible birthmarks in the photo prove it is the victim. The victim also provided an affidavit from a coworker dated May 2019.
The Henderson Police Officer downplayed the entire case without hearing any testimony from the victim when he found out the abuser was a Fire Fighter. He defended it by saying “the case was too old”. The President of Veterans In Politics had to interject and let him know that under NRS 200 the statue allows up until 3 years to report a domestic violence incident. The officer then said that “the case would be closed before it hits his Sergeants desk”. The officer did not want to take the report as evidenced in how he writes it up, clearly perturbed that the victim has someone that is supporting her, letting her know her rights (see incident report below). The officer downplayed the abuse stating that “the abuser said he didn’t do it”. So the ‘abuser’ said he did not do it ‘wow’ so let’s not take the report and the evidence!?
This is just one example of how DV victims are treated, unable to be their own advocates and living in fear and in need of support, yet dismissed and downplayed by the police who are supposed to serve and protect!