Clark County Nevada
June 27, 2021
Veterans In Politics video internet talk show interviewed Ron Andolina Plant Manager for Biopharma given us an education on marijuana usages and benefits.
Andolina informed us on the testing, statistics, medical, usages, comparison, THC, CBD, Delta 8, growing and so much more. After watching the interview below you to would appreciate marijuana.
Please click on the link below to view the video interview:
Ron Andolina Plant Manager Biopharma discussing the usage of marijuana on the Veterans In Politics
Building Tent Cities to avoid homelessness amongst our veterans!
Veterans In Politics video internet talk show interviewed James Bayliss said that there is no need for veterans to be homeless, all we have to do is build a Tent City.
Please click on the link below to view the video interview:
James Bayliss long term help for Veterans on the Veterans In Politics Video Internet talk-show
Help to Family Court Litigants:
Veterans In Politics and the Clark County Department of Family Services (CCDFS) have been in contact with each other to better serve pro-se-litigants in Family Court.
Attached is a guide for parents (it’s also available in Spanish), it captures information you need to know about the CCDFS and the various programs they have. Below is the link to the CCDFS website for more information. Also includes is the link to the Ombudsman Program. CCDFS strongly encourages individuals that have questions or concerns about their current case to start there.
Parents’ Guide
Ombudsman Program