Suzan Baucum an inspiration to the Justice Court Bench!

Clark County, Nevada

April 4, 2022


Veterans In Politics video internet talk show interviewed Suzan Baucum Las Vegas Justice of the Peace.

Baucum was born and raised in Las Vegas.

Baucum was the Executive Director of the Nevada Law Foundation for 19 years before becoming a judge.

Baucum began her career as a judge in 2010.

Baucum served as Chief Judge during the epidemic.

Baucum teamed up with another judge to clean up a 6000 case backlogged.

Baucum presided over the Driving Under the Influence (DUI) calendar for several years.

Baucum said that some people in the Clark County Detention Center should be in a Mental Health Facility, not jail.

Please click on the link below to learn more about Judge Baucum.

Re-Elect Suzan Baucum for Justice Court Department 13

Please click on the link below to view the interview:

Suzan Baucum Las Vegas Justice of the Peace on the Veterans In Politics Video Internet talk-show


Nevada Supreme Court Rules In Favor of McLetchie Law’s Clients on Writ Petition in Anti-SLAPP Matter

Can a plaintiff voluntarily dismiss a case under NRCP 41(a)(1) during the pendency of an anti-SLAPP motion if no answer or motion for summary judgment has been filed?

In 2021, Plaintiffs Marshal S. Willick and his firm, the Willick Law Group, attempted to do just that in a defamation matter against McLetchie Law’s clients, Defendants Steve Sanson and Veterans in Politics International (VIPI), even though the merits of the litigation had been considered by the Eighth Judicial District Court and the Nevada Supreme Court reversed the district court on de novo review. Voluntary dismissal of this case would have meant that Mr. Sanson and VIPI would be denied the important protections of Nevada’s anti-SLAPP statute, including a potential entitlement to attorney’s fees, costs, and a statutory award.

The district court denied Mr. Willick’s motion to voluntarily dismiss, and Mr. Willick petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court for writ relief to overturn that decision.

On March 31, 2022, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mr. Sanson and VIPI. While it refused to adopt a per-se rule automatically equating a special anti-SLAPP Motion to Dismiss with a motion for summary judgment under NRCP 41(a)(1), the Nevada Supreme Court held that, given the “unique and extreme circumstances” of the case, Mr. Willick “is estopped from dismissing his action with no consequences, as the litigation has reached an advanced stage after four years and a prior de novo appeal.”

In anti-SLAPP cases, the prevailing defendant is entitled to reasonable fees and costs incurred in defending their right to free speech. The Nevada Supreme Court previously found that Mr. Sanson and VIPI satisfied the first prong of the anti-SLAPP analysis – that their criticism of Mr. Willick’s legal practices were good-faith communications, made in a place open to the public, in direct connection with a matter of public concern. The next step in the litigation is addressing the second prong of the anti-SLAPP analysis: whether the Plaintiffs’ case has minimal merit. Mr. Sanson and VIPI contend that it does not – and was just designed to insulate a high-profile lawyer from public criticism.

The Nevada Supreme Court’s published opinion can be accessed by clicking here.