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Veterans In Politics proudly announces that Kevin Child Clark County School Board Trustee District D and Victor Miller Boulder Township Justice of the Peace, both will appear as a special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show Saturday December 2, 2017.
Listen to the Veterans In Politics
Talk-Show every Saturday from 14:00-15:00 (2:00pm-3:00pm PT) on World Wide Digital Broadcasting Corp.
The VIP Talk-Show is a trusted source of information. For more than a decade, Steve Sanson, Jim Jonas and co-hosts Lena Ocasio and Mantis Toboggan and Guest Co-host Christina Ortiz have informed the listeners about important local and national issues. Not only do they discuss major national issues, but they also bring public’s attention to multiple local issues affecting our community that other news sources choose to ignore. Past guests are politicians, candidates running for public office, organization leaders, published authors, business owners and citizens. VIP‘s involvement in local affairs has led to investigations of multiple government agencies and corrupt individuals. VIP received special recognition and multiple awards from government officials and non-profit organizations.
If you would like to be a guest on our show, please call or e-mail us.
Contact Us at 702 283 8088 |
Kevin Child Clark County School Board Trustee District D
Victor Miller Boulder Township Justice of the Peace
Our New Co-Host
Lena Ocasio was born and raised in Northwest Indiana and moved to Las Vegas in 1994 where she attended Las Vegas Academy and Cimarron-Memorial High School. Lena is a veteran of the United States Air Force and is an active member in the Las Vegas community as she enjoys volunteering at numerous charities including her local church as well as the Las Vegas VA Fisher House. Lena is currently a licensed real estate broker of her own real estate firm, Integrity Realty. She has been in the residential and commercial real estate industries as a licensed broker and finance agent for more than 13 years. Lena graduated Cum Laude from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California with a B.A. in Communication Studies and a Minor in Business Administration. Lena is a “foodie” and loves checking out new restaurants in Las Vegas, traveling, playing golf, shooting, and most importantly spending time with her two daughters.
I am tired of people coming up to me and saying; “hey that family court judge you went after is a friend of mine.” What is that supposed to mean to me? What you are saying to me is as long as they are a friend of yours, we/me should look the other way and let them be that corrupted elected official. It must be a free pass to be corrupted as long as they are YOUR friend. Let me just say this, my organization has helped placed allot of Family Court Judges on the bench. But the difference between you and us/me is this, we value law, fairness, and the constitution over your corrupted friends that are sitting on the bench. Here is my quote, “if YOU turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to corruption YOU are just as guilty as the perpetrators committing the injustice”.
I give credit to those that are willing to stand up even if it means to stand alone.
Sheep will always be prey.
Semper Fidelis
Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International
Family Court Litigants Corner
Family Court Judge Rena “GOD” Hughes had her attorney responded to her Judicial Discipline Complaint.
We are going to keep Attorney Bill Terry Busy.
Click here to see the response:
Ethics panel suspends Clark County Family Court judge William Potter for 60 days without pay, $5,000 dollar fine, attend Anti-Bullying Counseling, community service, participate, follow and pay for a Psychological Exam.
See the Las Vegas Review Journal article and link to decision:
H.J.Res.121 – Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to parental rights.
Click here to see the Joint Resolution:
Opinion Corner
I am a firm believer that every one of us have a purpose in life. Some of us live our entire life not known what that is.
I found my purpose and that is to do everything in my power to change the lives of people for the betterment, even if it means I have to lose mine in the process.
Not many of us have that acceptance, dedication and loyalty.
Granted I am not a poet, English professor nor actor.
What am is loyal, dedicated, and aggressive and a firm believer in justice for ALL; no matter your financial background nor influence in society.
I could care less if you are the janitor or the CEO of a major corporation. If you are corrupt I will come after you.
If you hide behind a keyboard I will sort you out.
In this life time you have to stand up and be counted.
I have absolutely no respect for people that are corrupt or do nothing to end the corrupt behaviors of our elected officials.
If you refuse to help us end corruption within our Family Court System, then “stand down” and let me fulfil my purpose in life.
Unlike many others I am not motivated by financial gain; I am motivated by justice.
If you believe in justice, not been intimidated by others and have a backbone, then join us to end the corruption within a badly needed biased financially motivated Family Court System.
Today, you might not be affected by this injustice, but if you allow a continued normalization of injustice; tomorrow you might not be so lucky.
“I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees”.
If you feel the same, join our movement on Facebook “WAR declared on Clark County Nevada Family Court System” or
Find your purpose in life today, because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International
702 283 8088
He Defended Us, Let’s defend Him!
your only warning.. Sealing cases will not cover anything up…
Like Donald Trump says: “Believe Me!”
Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International, Inc. (TM)
Listen & Watch the Interview of Last Week’s Show:
LIVE every Saturday from 2-3PM Pacific Time
*If you would like to be a guest on our show please contact: email or if you would like to place a commercial on anyone of our shows please dial 702 283 8088.
*If you would like to visit any of our archived interviews go to our YouTube Channel.
Click here for our YouTube Channel or and Click here for archived shows on Word Wide Digital Broadcasting Corp
*If you would like to see who is coming on our show next go to our radio webpage.
Gary Rogers Constable, Goodsprings Township and Tierra Jones Clark County District Court Judge Department 10, both will appear as a special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show
Please contribute to Veterans In Politics in an effort in helping us to continue our mission by Exposing Corruption, Champion Veterans Rights, and Educating the public on candidates running for elected office: go to and click onto our PayPal Page or at our PO Box 28211/ Las Vegas, NV. 89126…
Distributed By:
Veterans In Politics International, Inc.
Post Office Box 28211
Las Vegas, NV 89126
702 283 8088