Cherlyn Arrington & Jason Desouza to appear on the Veterans In Politics video Talk-show

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Veterans In Politics proudly announces Cherlyn Arrington candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 21. Jason Desouza discuss the California Family Court System, all will appear as special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show Saturday, March 31, 2018.


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Talk-Show every Saturday from 14:00-15:00 (2:00pm-3:00pm PT) on World Wide Digital Broadcasting Corp.


The VIP Talk-Show is a trusted source of information. For more than a decade, Steve Sanson, Jim Jonas , co-hosts Lena Ocasio and Mantis Toboggan and guest co-host Christina Ortiz have informed the listeners about important local and national issues. Not only do they discuss major national issues, but they also bring public’s attention to multiple local issues affecting our community that other news sources choose to ignore. Past guests are politicians, candidates running for public office, organization leaders, published authors, business owners and citizens. VIP‘s involvement in local affairs has led to investigations of multiple government agencies and corrupt individuals. VIP received special recognition and multiple awards from government officials and non-profit organizations.


If you would like to be a guest on our show, please call or e-mail us.

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Cindy Lake Guest Co- Host



Troy Warren Guest Co-Host


Endorsement Interviews Starts Saturday March 31st


Cherlyn Arrington candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 21



Jason Desouza discuss the California Family Court System


Litigants Corner


Veterans In Politics Court Observers Steve Sanson, Danni Ackerman, and Michael McDonald visited the following Clark County Family Court Judges on 3-21-18:

Judge Rena Hughes 10:30 AM: She saw a case regarding a father being 10K behind on child support, Mom was attempting to hold dad in contempt, there is going to be a rehearing, As Dad said he has made a payment program with the DA so that he does not lose his license or go to Jail…Judge Hughes demeanor towards litigants seems to have improved! We need to Change the child support laws so many parents are being enslaved by child support, put in a debtors prison that was eliminated in 1833 and how is taking a person driver license away going to help them get money or pay their child support. We should not incentivize the fighting and have the “winner” get paid both parents should do what is best for their own children not have the State that gets paid through Title 4-D and E enforce payment so they can get federally matching funds …

Judge Cheryl Moss 10:45 AM: It was a pretrial both parties were represented by attorneys, It seemed like a heated custody battle, it’s sad when parents cannot just get along and be good co-parents or are demonizing their former other half, they need to realize that they are tied to their children for the rest of their lives… and the amount of money spent on the attorneys could have funded their own children’s college but instead it is funding the lawyers children college.. There needs to be a set standard of Equal shared parenting and a high set standard of what one can do to lose access to their own children! This would cut down on 70% of litigation. Should not have to spend every dime you have to see your own children…

Judge Cheryl Moss 11AM: Was a pretrial with to prose litigants, they were fighting over their one child, neither knew how to file a pretrial memo, or FDF, or how to prepare for a trial. It is sad that people are brought into an adversarial court system, with winners and losers, when the real losers are their children! And have a Judge that plays God over your life. In my opinion, we need to get families out of the court system and have an equitable panel to split custody and assets fairly…Judge Moss keep saying that she cannot give them legal advice, yet she was giving tips for the mom on how to get child support from dad. This needs to stop if they are going to keep it in the court system following the 5th and 6th amendments and appoint free attorneys, and do trial by jury or panel… how can you expect a person to become an attorney just to be able to see their own children.

Judge Charles Hoskins 11:30 AM: Dad Pro Se, Mom not present but represented by an attorney. Mom has not been involved in the daughter’s life, after she was ordered by the court to have supervised visits and she gave up… it’s sad that people are ordered to have supervised visits for their own children and ordered to pay to see their own kids… It is heartbreaking and in the cased that supervised is really warranted they should give the option for a Family member or friend to help watch the person. The judge brought up Mcmongial/Castle (They cannot bring up anything that happened prior to last hearing). Judge ordered reunification therapy so there is going to be a list of 3 people to choose from, and the mom is going to have to pay to see her own child with some “specialist” and get judged on how worthy she is to be a parent. The judge mentioned that after the reunification he is inclined to have the parties seek Supervised visits at ” Family First” Dad was very nervous and talking a lot, bad mouthing mom, but seemed to want to let their daughter see her mother who lives in Texas now… Sad if a parent wants to see their children they should be able to!

Judge Linda Marquis 1:00PM: had eight Court Marshals in her courtroom and in the hall of her courtroom to protect herself from Michael McDonald in an effort to intimidate him. Judge Marquis is attempting to lock up McDonald for Contempt of Court. McDonald made it known to the court that he has not seen his two children for over 450 days. McDonald has no abuse or neglect against his children, but the judge won’t even give McDonald supervised visits. McDonald also brought up five Cannon Violations that the judge deliberately violated and she finds every excuse to deny McDonald his children and to remove her bias, revengeful, childish attitude from his case.


Opinion Corner


Recorded Videos of Judicial and LV City Council Endorsement Interviews 2018

Click here to view the videos



Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International


War Declared On the Clark County Family Court System


He Defended Us, Let’s defend Him!–Let-s-Defend-Him-.html?soid=1119987097423&aid=oYRP5mq4-SI


Listen & Watch the Interview of Last Week’s Show:



LIVE every Saturday from 2-3PM Pacific Time


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Veterans In Politics proudly announces Bob Beers former Las Vegas City Councilman/candidate for Nevada State Treasurer and Ryan Toone Justice of the Peace Mesquite Township, all will appear as special guests on the Veterans In Politics internet video talk-show




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 Distributed By:

Veterans In Politics International, Inc.

Post Office Box 28211

Las Vegas, NV 89126

702 283 8088