Final Recorded Videos of candidates that Compete for the most widely recognized Veteran Endorsement in the Great State of Nevada 2018

“Endorsement Interviews for the following Clark County, Sheriff, Nevada State, Treasurer, State Assembly, District 20, State Senate, District 21, Clark County, District Attorney, and Trustee, Clark County School Board District F.

Q&A Only No Endorsement will be given to the seat below:

State Assembly, District 13

Clark County, Nevada (May 6, 2018) – – – Veterans In Politics International, Inc. (VIPI), today announced that it has endorsed four candidates for: Clark County, Sheriff, State Assembly, District 20, Clark County, District Attorney, Trustee, Clark County School Board District F.

  No endorsements were made for Trustee, Clark County School Board District G, Nevada State, Treasurer, State Senate, District 21, and State Assembly, District 13.

We do not allow our panel to be influenced by anyone.


The process was open to the public, live streamed on social media, taped, unedited no questions are known until they are asked, no candidates are rubber stamped, no “backroom deals, no financial gain, the panel members’ identities are not publicly released until the day of the interviews, all candidates were invited to attend, we do not discourage any candidates from participating in other groups endorsement process.

We are not intimidated by any other group that interviews candidates and have a fair process.

No one is paid to be a part of this process; we do it for love of community in an effort to educate the public on the candidates running for office.

We do not charge or make any promises to candidates for attendance to our process.

Thank you to all the candidates, panel members, VIPI members, and our sponsors.


Ron “Q” for Clark County Treasurer, Michael Broadway Real-estate, Real Water, Lakeside Business Suites and many more.

On Saturday May 5, 2018 Natalie Winslow Mrs. Summerlin moderated this endorsement process a non-voting member.

The interview panel members included Robert Foust US Army/VIP Member, George Chehade VIPI member, Lena Ocasio VIP Radio co-host, Troy Warren VIP Member and Leo Bletnitsky US Coastguard.

The Invocation was given by Chaplain Steve St. John.

The Veterans In Politics International has video recorded their interviews for the primary and general election of all the candidates that made time and effort to be interviewed by our group.

The candidates that attended are willing to meet the challenge of an interview in a bipartisan effort to reach out to the veteran community and the community as a whole.

We hope that these interviews will be helpful in the Primary and General Election by placing people in office that are able to apply the US Constitution, acknowledge that we need Judicial Reform, knowledgeable, ethical, experienced, write laws that will benefit all people, able to put childish differences aside and do what’s best for their constituents, put others before themselves, take the oath of office seriously, apply the true meaning of “public servant” and have a vision on resolving the problems that are facing our country and state.


Please watch the videos that are broken down into categories for your convenience (click onto the link or copy and paste to view each interview of the links provided).

Candidates that were in attendance and willing to participate in an open forum:


Elected Seat

Final Endorsement Interviews 2018-Veterans In Politics


Clark County, Sheriff

Tim Bedwell-Endorsed

Matt Caldwell


Nevada State, Treasurer

No Endorsement

Bob Beers

Derek Uehara


State Assembly, District 20

Michael L. McDonald-Endorsed


State Senate, District 21

No Endorsement

Jay Craddock

Ron McGinnis


Clark County, District Attorney

Steve Wolfson-Endorsed


Trustee, Clark County School Board District F

Mike Thomas-Endorsed


Q&A Only No Endorsement will be given to the seat below:

This would be a conflict of interest:

All Candidates were invited to attend:

State Assembly, District 13

Steve Sanson


Interview panel members are screened volunteers who are strictly prohibited from receiving any consideration or advice from prospective political candidates seeking an endorsement from VIPI or their opponents.  Each panel member signed a “Confidentiality Agreement” and at no time can they disclose any discussions that took place during the time of voting.

Veterans In Politics International, Inc. established in 1992:

Mission: To educate, organize, and awaken our veterans and their families to select, support and intelligently vote for those candidates whom would help create a better world, to protect ourselves from our own government(s) in a culture of corruption, and to be the political voice for those in other groups who do not have one.


(VIPI) Veterans In Politics International

 “Some candidates only get involved in the community when they need your vote.  They make no time outside of this, tending to their personal lives and ignoring the concerns and needs of the Community until they stand to gain from listening.  Some incumbents lose the true meaning of a “Public Servant,” becoming self-involved, and corrupt with their newly found power and money.  They lie to the face of their voters, going directly against your will, feeding you with rhetoric aimed to confuse you.  Can you imagine what is done behind your back?” 


Distributed By:

Veterans In Politics International

702 283 8088

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