Letter to Linda Bell Chief Judge Eighth Judicial District Court from Steve Sanson President of Veterans In Politics International

Letter to Linda Bell Chief Judge Eighth Judicial District Court from Steve Sanson President of Veterans In Politics International regarding unlawful sealing of cases and closed hearings by Clark County Family Court Judges and Attorneys.

June 14, 2019


Linda Marie Bell

Chief District Court Judge

Eighth Judicial District Court

Regional Justice Center

200 Lewis Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89155-2367


Attention Chief Judge Bell;


We are in receipt of your letter dated May 24, 2019.


You requested that we provide you the cases we were asked to leave the courtroom by the judge.  Below are eleven cases that we were asked to leave the courtroom once the judge or the attorney’s realized that our court observers were in the courtroom or about to enter the courtroom. After investigating each case there are no written request by either party requesting for a “closed haring”. This is in violation of our Constitutional Right to observe a public courtroom and Nevada Revised Statues.


All cases below are on the Veterans In Politics YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Lo0mCOgDpuwX24IPA-Y9w?view_as=subscriber.


Another item we are concerned about is the abuse of the sealing laws, apparently when a case is sealed the entire case is removed off of the District Court website, this is a violation of the law. This causes extreme hardship for pro-se-litigants that live out of state. We did an article on an attorney abusing this privilege of sealing cases and it’s not for the “best interest of the child” and the URL of the article is below and we have attached that article to this letter. If you pull this attorney’s cases you would see at least 90 percent of her cases are sealed, more than any attorney in family court. But the sad part about this is that she is allowed to get away with it.


Please take a look at the beginning of the video on 5/1/17 in which Judge Hughes requested that we leave the courtroom sighted an NRS, then this same judge denied a “closed hearing” because she had a bias towards the requesting litigant (documents attach). There is no consistency.




Judge                                     Case#                            Case Name                                      Date:


Denise Gentile                       D-572482                     Sangalaza                                         5/14/19

Rena Hughes                          D-573383                     Robbins                                            5/20/19

Denise Gentile                       D-19-583308-C           Candis Johnson                               5/13/19

Denise Gentile                       D-10-426817-D           Sandra Nance                                   3/18/19

Kathy Hardcastle                   D-11-453527-C           Marvin E. Carrera                           1/24/19

Lisa Brown                            D-17-557970-C           Tiffany Danielle Russell                 6/22/18

Rebecca Burton                     D-13-481723-C           Cole Cloninger                                6/25/18

Rena Hughes                          D-530618                     Jennifer Atton                                  6/27/18

Cynthia Steel                         D-16-529506-D           Jasmine Bourn                                 10/22/18

Gerald Hardcastle                  D-19-585157-D           McManus                                         9/24/18



Look at this video:

Family Court Judge Rena Hughes kicked out Court Observers 5/1/17




Law Frowns on Nevada Attorney Jennifer Abrams’ “Seal-Happy” Practices



If we can be of any assistance please contact us.


Respectfully Submitted By;


Steve Sanson

President of Veterans In Politics International, Inc.