Clark County Nevada
January 17, 2020
The (VIPI) Veterans In Politics International Inc. investigated Stefany Miley Clark County District Court Judge time on the bench. After submitting a Freedom of Information Request we obtained Judge Miley’s entire 2018 calendar going through 5,119 pages. There are 261 workdays in the calendar year 2018 excluding all holidays, Judge Miley was only on the bench for 149 of those days, leaving 112 days unaccounted.
Judge Miley only worked 14 afternoons, she is hardly on the bench Thursdays and Fridays. According to our sources, she has been spotted at Lifestyle Athletic Club working out, or getting her nails and hair done at the local beauty shops during work hours.
Judge Miley only had 8 Chamber Calendars in 2018. Before you say she must be working at home, it’s illegal for a judge to remove cases from the courthouse. However, they can sign onto a case on their computer or I-Pad. But in Judge Miley’s case signing onto a case from home is not a common practice.
Where is her Deputy Marshal when the judge is not in the courthouse? Normally he is sent home with pay because the Deputy Marshal works directly for the judge.
According to Transparent Nevada Miley’s pay and benefits is $258,655.11 annually. Judges have the freedom to govern their own calendar, this freedom should have a price when they abuse the system and steal from taxpayers.
Judges need accountability, recently we reported that Family Court Judge Mathew Harter was on the bench for 140 days in 2018 click onto the link:
During the last legislative session lobbyist for the District Court wanted a 16 percent pay raise that would have increased each judge’s annual salaries by $30,000 per year, that bill never made it out of committee. They also wanted 12 additional judges but only 6 was approved for the family court bench. We don’t need more judges, what we need is judges shown up for work.
Many cases are assigned it’s not a monopoly as suggested. 21-23 days on the bench is an average work month.
Many judges will be on the campaign trail, ask a judge to prove to you that they work a full 40-hour workweek, talk is cheap!
The following Judges substituted for Judge Miley in her absents from the bench in 2018:
Linda Bell Judge
Charles Thompson Senior Judge
Joseph Bonaventure Senior Judge
Douglas Smith Judge
Valarie Adair Judge
Tierra Jones Judge
Elizabeth Gonzalez Judge
Michael Villani Judge
The following are the days Judge Miley was on the bench during each month in 2018:
January 2018 worked 13 days
February 2018 worked 13 days
March 2018 worked 13 days
April 2018 worked 8 days
May 2018 worked 15 days
June 2018 worked 16 days
July 2018 worked 9 days
August 2018 worked 16 days
September 2018 worked 10 days
October 2018 worked 15 days
November 2018 worked 12 days
December 2018 worked 9 days
Today is the deadline for a judge to file for reelection see link
Veterans In Politics President moving forward in 2020!