Toss her off the bench!

Clark County Nevada

May 25, 2020


During the 2014 primary elections Veterans In Politics International interviewed Judge Ken Pollock, Romeo Perez, and Rena Hughes. Hughes introduce herself to the panel as a family law specialist, so one would have the belief that she should be well-versed in the law (see video VIPI Judicial Endorsement Interviews: Pollock, Perez, and Hughes


It was rumored that Judge Charles Hoskin recruited his former law partner Rena Hughes and placed her in the race against Judge Pollock because Pollock refuse to award attorney fees to the opposing parties.  Therefore, many Judge Hoskin attorney friends weren’t receiving payments for their time, in other wards Judge Pollock needed to go.  Judge Hughes is the opposite, she grants attorney fees and Adjudicates Attorney Liens constantly, good for business as usual.

(photo found on social media of Judge Hughes)

A little background on Judge Hughes according to sources Judge Hughes was married at least twice and divorced with no children. Judge Hughes last divorced was filed in Nye County, funny she resides in Clark County.  Having children is not a requirement for a family court judge, which would explain why Judge Hughes has no compassion or empathy towards children.


In 2016 Veterans In Politics International (VIPI) stumbled onto a court case Silva Vs. Silva.  This case featured Judge Rena Hughes where Hughes chastised an 11-year-old child, threatened the child with jail, didn’t provide an advocate for the minor child while questioning the minor at the plaintiff’s table.  Hughes continues by having her Deputy Marshal escorted the mother out of the courthouse into the parking lot, mother was also representing herself.  Hughes left the father with his attorney inside the courtroom with the child and conducts ex-partie communication, no different from former Judge Elizabeth Halverson questioning the jury outside the presence of counsel (see article Family Circus published by Nevada Public Radio


Funny the father’s attorney was State Assemblywoman Elizabeth Cohen, who did nothing to help correct the situation.


The Veterans In Politics could not sit ideally by and let this travesty of justice go unanswered.  We decided to expose this travesty on social media as a recourse to help fix the system many just talk about and do absolutely nothing.  This decision erupted a whirlwind of events that caused many of us to scratch our heads and ask ourselves as to how far a judge’s discretion should be, before it crosses the line of blatant violations of the law.


There were several attempts to get the videos of this court case removed from social media, but Veterans In Politics International stood fast and held their position that tyranny should not stand inside of our courtrooms.  In response VIPI faced a barrage of anti-Veterans In Politics publicity from websites to law-suits (see videos Deplorable action by Family Court Judge Rena Hughes against a minor child part 1  part 2  part 3   Yes, family court Judges are friends with family court attorneys outside the courtroom.


Veterans In Politics along with the mother Welthy Silva decided to file two separate complaint’s with the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline and they prompted an investigation. We were stunned that they decided to investigate meaning, that one out of every fifty cases filed is even considered.  The Commission conducted a hearing that was held in Reno Nevada. We still asked the question as to, why would the Commission hold a hearing for a member of the Eighth Judicial District Court in Washoe County, this is still a mystery.


Veterans In Politics submitted a media request to tape the entire hearing and was granted approval. Here are the videos of Judge Hughes disciplinary hearings for the following charges; holding the mother in contempt without due process nor the ability to be heard, alienating the child from the mother and changing physical and legal custody of the minor child without a hearing (see videos Judicial Disciplinary Hearing of Clark County Family Court Judge Rena G. Hughes part 1   part 2  part 3  part 4  part 5  part 6  part 7


The Commission returned a ruling that Judge Hughes at times is unable, to tell the truth, and have no knowledge or didn’t understand the law. The Commission decided the proper punishment for this travesty of justice is to have Judge Hughes repeat Judicial College at her own expense and if she didn’t complete the course in the time allowed that she would be removed from the bench and banned from ever able to obtain a position of judge.


Judge Hughes showed no remorse and decided to appeal the case to the Nevada Supreme Court, we are still awaiting their decision.


This is not an isolated issue since this story broke Veterans In Politics International have been inundated with dozens of litigants racing to tell their story of corruption by the hands of Clark County Family Court Judge Rena Hughes.


Here are just a few litigants that have decided to expose Judge Hughes on the public stage:


Lindsey Licari discussed disgraced Clark County Family Court Judge Rena Hughes on the VIP Talk Show


Nakia BAHNS tell-all about disgraced Clark County Family Court Judge Rena Hughes


Family Court Litigants tells all Family Court Judge Rena Hughes Veterans In Politics 2016 12 3 1-2


Family Court Litigants tells all Family Court Judge Rena Hughes Veterans In Politics 2016 12 3 2-2


Keren Sangalaza and Nakia Bahns discussing the corrupt Clark County Family Court System VIP 05 25 19



We continued to observe Judge Hughes in the courtroom and at every family court protest members of the public show up in droves to expose the corruption of Judge Hughes (click onto Veterans In Politics YouTube Channel  and witness courtroom videos of Judge Hughes performance and what many of our citizens have to say during the Veterans In Politics Family Court protest.


Even Channel 13 Action News deemed her a Bully on the Bench see link


Our judiciary affects families immediately and in most cases for the rest of their lives.  This is a six-year seat, we have until June 9th to cast our ballot.  Don’t we owe it to ourselves to get it right the first time?




Other Related Articles:


Nakia BAHNS tell-all about disgraced Clark County Family Court Judge Rena Hughes


Corey CAGE explained the corruption in his case by the hands of Rena Hughes Family Court Judge


Family Court Judge Rena Hughes leaves pro-se-litigant in the hallway while conducts hearing!


Family Court Judge Rena Hughes illegally denies the public access of a public courtroom


Deplorable actions by Family Court Judge Rena Hughes against a minor child


Judicial Disciplinary Hearing of Clark County Family Court Judge Rena G Hughes


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