Clark County Nevada
May 9, 2019
On April 30, 2019 case number D-18564695-C Judge Rena Hughes had the plaintiff and his attorney in the courtroom testifying while the defendant Nakia Bahns who is a pro-se-litigant left in the hallway by the Deputy Marshal. A major violation of defendant’s constitutional rights. This is ex-parte communication… The defendant was never served with any court documents, she only knew about the hearing verbally from Hughes JEA (Judicial Executive Assistant) from a voicemail. The hearing prior to April 30th was verbally communicated to the defendant by the plaintiff see video .
Hughes also had her Deputy Marshal served the pro-se-litigant in the hallway with a TPO (Temporary Protective Order) that was signed by Jon Norheim who is a Hearing Master. All TPO’s should be signed by an elected or appointed Judge; Hughes granted a TPO without any evidence or hearing.
Hughes accepted an altered parental agreement, the words “temporary” was written on it by the plaintiff. Hughes also gave legal advice to the plaintiff and told him to get a TPO order against the defendant, verified in plaintiff’s sworn statement and application for the TPO.
The defendant claimed that the plaintiff abandons his son for seven years and now injected himself into their son’s life. According to Nevada state law, six months without any contact with a child would be classified as abandonment. The plaintiff now has custody of his son leaving the defendant with supervised visits for one hour per week at Donna’s House.
The defendant who has been raising her son for seven years without any help from the plaintiff has no criminal record, mental health problems, no drug or alcohol problems, no cases with (CPS) Child Protective Service, nothing that would prevent her from continuing to see her son and she has been a Licensed Practical Nurse for almost a decade. The defendant also has older children without any issues in raising them. Hughes removes the child from the defendant without an evidentiary hearing and hasn’t established paternity after the defendant requested it multiple times in open court.
Defendant claims that the plaintiff forge school and medical records. Hughes never verified any documents with doctors or teachers. The plaintiff has also changed his name on three different occasions. The defendant was served with these documents only to be presented with them on the day of court in this video hearing conducted on March 31, 2019, Hughes placed the defendant on the stand This was the very first time the defendant was in court for this case.
Hughes set the stage to take this child from his mother.
This is the same Judge that was sanctioned by the Nevada Judicial Disciplinary Commission in the Welthy Silva case for committing the same violation.
Please view the video here:
Nakia Bahns fighting against a corrupt Clark County Family Court System
Nakia Bahns fighting against a bias egotistical Judge in Clark County Family Court